One of the most common questions I receive from customers and friends is, "how do you stop your dog from..." and then fill in the blank. This is really common and something that most dog owners have to deal with. It might be jumping up to greet visitors, humping at the dog park, barking at the mail carrier, chasing after bikes or skateboarders or even going crazy when the doorbell rings. You name it, there's usually a challenge every dog owner faces at some point.
There are several reasons why we want to correct poor behavior. Aside from the obvious desire to not have the only dog on the block who doesn't mind their owner, there's the liability associated with behavior that might actually cause harm to another animal or human. But how do you correct it?
Basically its pretty simple. Reward good behavior ONLY, and admonish poor behavior. There are techniques associated with getting the practices down and remaining consistent, but for the most part that's the approach you need to take. Just like we needed to practice our times-tables when we were young, we need to practice consistency when working with our pets so they know what we're asking, what is expected of them, and what will happen (or not happen) when they don't follow instruction.
We can help you train your pet... not to do circus tricks, but how to not run out in the street; how to not pull while on a walk; how to stay on command and come to you when off-leash. If you need help with these or other training issues you're encountering, call us. We'd love to help you.
Jesse (Owner) Fetch! Pet Care of San Francisco