Wednesday, June 25, 2014

4th of July Safety Tips for Pets

Hi Everyone,

With the 4th of July just around the corner, I thought it would be important to provide some information on how to keep your pets safe and calm during all the festivities and fireworks.

This list came from the PetMD website and we encourage you to use their site as a resource for pet related health questions.

Here is their top 10 list:

10.  Keep your pets indoors at all times.  This is the time when pets become scared and can bolt when you're not looking, so make sure they safe, secure and can't escape toward danger.

9.  Don't use non-pet approved insect repellant on your pet.  This may be toxic so be sure to only use items that are approved for animal use.

8.  No Alcohol for pets.  This is an obvious safety tip everyone should abide by.

7. If you're going to see a fireworks display, leave your pet secured at home.  Again, pets can become very frightened and run away at any point, so it's best to keep them in their own familiar surroundings so they feel safe and comfortable.

6.  Make sure your pet's ID tags are up to date.

5.  Keep your pet away from plastic or glow jewelry.  It may look cute, but if a pet chews through the jewelry, it could cause indigestion, intestinal blockage and general discomfort for your pet.

4.  NEVER use fireworks around your pet.  The noise and fire is one thing, but the ashes can also burn their paws if left unattended so its never a good idea to use fireworks with or near your pets.

3.  Don't give your pet table food.  Particularly no beer, chocolate, onions, avocado, grapes, raisins, salt or yeast dough as these items are all toxic to pets.

2.  Lighter fluid and matches are harmful to pets.  Keep these out of your pets reach as these items are very toxic and a pet may get into them just because they're curious, so keep these items safe and away from pets and children.

1.  Citronella is an irritant too.  These items are toxins as well, and can cause severe respiratory illnesses and can also harm your pet's nervous system.  

We hope you all enjoy your 4th of July holiday and that these tips help keep your pet safe and out of harms way.

Owner, Fetch! Pet Care, San Francisco